Yesterday was the day I've been waiting for years: My piercing education! So if someone didn't know where I was at training, it was at Kivun Kauneus ! The shop is at Kallio, Helsinki. Absolutely stunning and gorgeous shop has been there for over three years now, and is led by Jenni. She also worked as my teacher. I absolutely adore her, to be honest.
So, my day started at eight o'clock. Woke up, putting makeup and stuff like that. At ten o'clock I arrived to the shop. We started at some theory things. Lots and lots of paper. We actually went through all of the piercings, well, almost. Three and half hours of that. Then half an hour for eating and getting ready. I was really nervous. I would have about twenty piercings to do. Luckily (and sadly) for me, there came a few cancellations. At the end of the day, I was at the shop for nine and half hours and did twelve piercings. Not bad for me, I'd say.
The first customers arrived at half past three. Microdermals of course, the ones I was the most nervous about. Luckily, first customer was my friend. She wanted two microdermals in the back of her neck. Actually, it went very well. I had some problems to put the jewelry/implant on. But in the end they become actually really gorgeous!
Second one was microdermal to the corner of the eye/cheek etc. Also nervous, but went also well. AGAIN problems with jewelry, I was a bit frustrated with that. But ended well and she got pretty dermal to her eye corner.
And third one.. ALSO MICRODERMAL! To the chest. It was the easiest of these three places, not much blood and jewelry went well to the piercing hole!
Also the day included nipple piercing, smiley and septum!
The day was a huge success to me! I learned many new things and I'm happy as hell. One of the best days of my life.
Huge thanks to my teacher Jenni S. and all of the people who came to my test bunnies! Thank you for making my dreams true!
- Vera
Jenni on kyllä mukava ihminen ja sen kanssa on kyllä rentoa. Ite oon ottanu kaikki tatuoinnit Jennillä ja en voi ku suositella muille :) Onnea koulutukseen! :)
VastaaPoistaTotta! Aivan ihana tyyppi on hän! Ja kiitän♥ /pahoittelyt myöhäisestä vastauksesta